We recently came to know of Jeff when he contacted us because he is going on the same sailing trip with us in September. After many emails and a few phone calls (and doubts...we weren't sure if Jeff was too Top Shelf to be any fun.. he did need a hotel with a marble bathtub after all!), we decided that Jeff seemed ok and we'd meet up with him in Athens for a little sightseeing before sailing began. Jeff was coming to Canada already to visit another friend of his in Vancouver, so he decided that Danni and Jill sounded fun enough to come and visit for another week in the wild wild west that is Calgary during the Stampede.
After camping in B@nff, hiking, much drinking, two-stepping, Stampede breakfasting and cowboy-hat wearing, the threesome of Muffie, Buffie and Tex were born. Jeff has also now decided that he will be unable to travel with any others but Jill and Danni due to the fact that they really know how to have a good time.